I have noticed a change in myself recently. The longer I do this blogging thing, the more I bake and cook and try new things, the less I am daunted by recipes that have many steps or seem like they may take a while. I am no longer irritated by sifting. I expect to leave […]
Chana Masala
I adore Indian food. I love the spices and the warmth. I love that Indian food is packed with things that are good for my body, and that it doesn’t taste like “health food.” Indian food is fantastic. But I’ve got to admit that I don’t cook Indian food at home very often. True, I love going […]
I’m not exactly sure how this happened, but I have become a little obsessed with tuna salad. Tuna salad is one of those polarizing foods: you either love it or you hate it, and there isn’t much of anything in between. In fact, I bet half of you have already wrinkled your noses in disgust. […]
One of the hardest parts of giving up dairy has been figuring out what to eat for breakfast. There have been a lot of mornings in the last month and a half that found me staring listlessly into the open refrigerator for five minutes, walking away grumpily, going back two times, and then opting to […]
I’ve been feeling pretty grinchy this Christmas season. This isn’t a fun time of year to be forbidden from eating any dairy of any kind. I have been lusting after trays of cookies and holiday cheese balls and getting grumpier and grumpier. But I just can’t imagine Christmastime without holiday baking, even if I can’t […]
I know…it’s a little crazy to be making ice cream in December. But someone once told me that ice cream is even better in cold weather, because it doesn’t melt while you are trying to savor it slowly! Just get on board, okay? Because this ice cream is so delicious, and the festive wintery flavor […]
I have never liked pumpkin pie. I know I’m not alone in that. Because of pumpkin pie, I believed until well into my adulthood that I hated all pumpkin things. Thank God I got over that! But seriously, pumpkin pie is not the only way to enjoy your pumpkin this Thanksgiving. And why do pie […]
I fell off the thankfulness train a little bit. And I’m going to climb back on. But first, I have to tell you what happened to me last week: The pediatrician told me I have to give up eating dairy, because Caitlin is most likely allergic to it. Major sad face. And just in time […]
I really wish I had been one of those kids who stood in the kitchen with her grandmother, wearing a humongous apron and up to her elbows in flour. (Instead, I was generally quite preoccupied with the book attached to my nose.) We love to eat, but my family wasn’t built on a long history […]
There is so much to be thankful for! Day 7: Thankful for new friends and birthday parties. Thankful for family visiting from out of town, for cuddles with Caitlin and s’mores around the fire pit. Day 8: Thankful that my brother is home from his adventures in Africa! Day 9: Thankful for the cool weather […]