CSA Week 17: Winging It

Sometimes I look in my fridge and think, “Why is there nothing to eat!?” As I am staring at the shelves piled high with perfectly good food, nothing seems like it would come together quickly, and none of my produce and dairy products and leftovers seem even remotely able to work together. Does that ever […]

CSA Week 5: Roasted Beets with Creamy Horseradish Sauce

Did I tell you that I’ve started keeping a dinner diary? It’s an idea I read about in a fun book called Dinner: A Love Story. Basically, Jenny decided that she didn’t like spending a lot of time and effort making a meal that just vanished forever. She needed a record of it…something needed to […]

Buttermilk Ranch Dressing and CSA Goodness

When I was a kid, I always ate my spinach. Want to know why? It was always smothered in ranch dressing. I think I actually may have been eating more ranch dressing than spinach, which probably doesn’t even count as eating a vegetable. (As a result of this childhood experience, I am a little horrified […]