CSA Week 6: Teriyaki Squash and Onions

Oh my gosh! So much squash. The first week squash started rolling in from my CSA share, there were just 3, and I was disappointed. Be careful what you wish for. Over the last 2 weeks, I have received like 10 lbs. of squash: cucumbers, zucchini, yellow crooknecks, pattypan… We have to use up some […]

CSA Week 5: Roasted Beets with Creamy Horseradish Sauce

Did I tell you that I’ve started keeping a dinner diary? It’s an idea I read about in a fun book called Dinner: A Love Story. Basically, Jenny decided that she didn’t like spending a lot of time and effort making a meal that just vanished forever. She needed a record of it…something needed to […]

CSA Week 2: Vegetable Potstickers with Sweet Chili Soy Sauce

A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a recipe for spring veggie potstickers that immediately peaked my interest. So last week when I opened up my CSA box and found a bounty of late-spring produce, I immediately figured out how to adapt the recipe to the veggies in my box. What I received for week […]

Buttermilk Ranch Dressing and CSA Goodness

When I was a kid, I always ate my spinach. Want to know why? It was always smothered in ranch dressing. I think I actually may have been eating more ranch dressing than spinach, which probably doesn’t even count as eating a vegetable. (As a result of this childhood experience, I am a little horrified […]

Sautéed Purple Asparagus

Did I tell you we joined a farm? Maybe joined isn’t the right word, but I definitely think about it as my farm these days! What we actually did is buy a CSA share for the summer. In case that’s an unfamiliar acronym, CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it’s a program that many […]