A few days ago, Jake and I wandered outside to drop a few things into the mailbox. My neighbor immediately came rushing over with an armful of mint, freshly snipped from her garden. (And before I made it back inside, I was also gifted a huge handful of oregano and sage! Yay for neighbors who […]
When I was in college, I joined the Baptist Student Union. I am not going to lie…I went because a hallmate dragged me along, and I stayed because of the food. Baptists can cook! Before I became a Baptist, I had never even heard of pimiento cheese. But some time during one of the many […]
Oh my. Quick! Go buy some farro! You have to make this meal immediately. It’s full of springy goodness. Green peas and split peas, roasted scallions, and spring greens. Plus goat cheese! You can never go wrong with goat cheese.
Asparagus Green Bean Salad
Right after Jake was born, a bunch of amazing friends brought us food for a few weeks to lighten our load. And thank goodness! Otherwise I am not sure we would have eaten anything except cereal, cereal, cereal. It was a great opportunity to try new things! One of my new dishes was this side […]
Attention, all mothers of babies and toddlers! I have found you the perfect meal delivery vehicle. That’s right, the pita pocket! You can hold it in one hand, it won’t fall apart when you put it down (plus it’s easy to pick back up again!), AND nothing will fall or drip out of the bottom […]
Recently, we have started making family dinners a higher priority. Honestly, I didn’t realize how much eating a family dinner every night would tax my cooking repertoire! So I started dividing meals into categories, to make it easier for me to lay out a variety of different meals over the course of each week. We […]
In our house, this noodle dish represents the best of all worlds. I like it because it is full of whole grains and vegetables. Dave likes it because it’s tossed in an Asian style sauce. I can’t believe I haven’t posted about this sooner! This meal is a snap to put together. In about the […]
Recently, I’ve become pretty enamored with frittatas. With an attention-loving baby, it is definitely an advantage to have a quickie dinner in my arsenal! And frittatas are especially wonderful, since you can easily change up the vegetables and cheese. Variety is the spice of life. I originally made this recipe for a brunch with my […]
At last, at last! Asparagus is in season! Do you know how wonderful spring is to me? Don’t get me wrong…I have a somewhat masochistic enjoyment of the gloomy gray end of winter. But I am so excited to welcome back the most wonderful of all vegetables: asparagus. (Side note: Did you know that Germans […]
The first time I made this snack, it was out of slightly morbid curiosity. It was just so weird, and there was so much going on: avocados, chilis, curry, mustard, cilantro. I thought maybe this recipe couldn’t decide what direction it wanted to go in, so it just went for everything at once. Boy was […]