No joke. I was in the middle of making these amazing spanikopitas when my Greek next-door neighbor showed up with a plate full of baklava. Fate. Is. Delicious. I seriously can’t get enough of these babies. I have made them three times! I just can’t stop. I am trying to convince myself that spinach is […]
Did you ever see the movie Three Men and a Little Lady? It was always a favorite for me and my mom. We watched it over and over, giggling and cringing and rooting for true love. Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I always swooned when Tom Selleck made his declaration of love at […]
When I was a kid, I remember hearing this fantastical tale about neighborliness. You know the one I mean. About knocking on their door and asking to borrow a cup of sugar? I was always sure this kind of thing could never happen in the modern world. Until I met a fantastic young mom who […]
Did you know that the Kitchn is hosting a cooking challenge this month? That’s right, time to get out of that rut you’re in and try something new! The first week was breakfast week. And I have definitely been in a breakfast rut, so…good timing! I realized that I typically eat sweet and grainy breakfasts. […]
On Sunday morning, it was so warm I didn’t even need a coat when I went outside. By midnight, the roads were icy and buckets of snow were on their way. Late winter is so confusing! I don’t know what to wear, I don’t know what to make for dinner… (Right? On blustery days all […]
Dave says I need to stop calling things pizza that don’t have tomato sauce. But he also said this pizza (er…flatbread?) was very tasty, despite the fact that it features a vegetable he isn’t such a big fan of. I may win him over to brussels sprouts yet! And let me just say, lest you […]
It has been incredibly cold here this week. I am talking below-zero temperatures, here. Definitely the kind of weather that requires comfort food of some sort. Like mac and cheese! Rich and creamy, hearty cheesy goodness. Perfect for bitter and blustery days. Except there’s one problem. I just couldn’t bring myself to make macaroni and […]
So I have dreams of hosting Thanksgiving dinner at my house. I love the idea of making the big meal, setting a long table, and decorating the house with festive and funky Fall items. Except there are a few problems with this (excluding the biggest problem, which is naturally finding the space for my huge […]
Sometimes I get silly ideas. Like…let’s take this extra bag of kale greens I bought and turn it into soufflé. Easy peasy. I had never actually made soufflé before. Like any sensible person, I had a deep and abiding fear of soufflé. But then I figured that savory soufflé would be easier than the dreaded […]
Okay, this post is totally late in coming. But I was a little bit preoccupied. (And yes, it did take me almost a week to recover from throwing the best baby birthday party ever.) Anyway, from the last week of CSA produce ever (er…at least for this year), I am sharing with you the most […]