I just realized that the Superbowl is only a few days away. Not that I actually care about football. To be honest, I don’t even know which teams are playing! But what I do know is that Superbowl Sunday goes perfectly with a large pot of chili. When I was growing up, my mom always […]
This is the best salad I’ve had in months. It is, in fact, the first way I have ever genuinely liked tofu. Ever. I mean I eat tofu from time to time, but mostly I am tolerating it for the sake of protein. I don’t really know why I liked this so much…I think it […]
It has been incredibly cold here this week. I am talking below-zero temperatures, here. Definitely the kind of weather that requires comfort food of some sort. Like mac and cheese! Rich and creamy, hearty cheesy goodness. Perfect for bitter and blustery days. Except there’s one problem. I just couldn’t bring myself to make macaroni and […]
You guys, I just can’t seem to get enough of brussels sprouts this season! I keep finding new, awesome recipes to try! My husband, barely tolerant of brussels sprouts most of the time, has really been a champ throughout my quest for more and more and more and more ways to eat these babies. This […]
At the beginning of this year, I decided I was going to read a new book every week. Even though I had an infant. That totally went according to plan… But one of the fun side effects of this plan was becoming acquainted with a few new (to me) food blogs, as several of the […]
So I have dreams of hosting Thanksgiving dinner at my house. I love the idea of making the big meal, setting a long table, and decorating the house with festive and funky Fall items. Except there are a few problems with this (excluding the biggest problem, which is naturally finding the space for my huge […]
You guys! Can you believe Thanksgiving is only a week away? And I’ve been whiling away the last week with meals I’ve thrown together from random things in the fridge, rather than setting out purposefully to share some delicious Thanksgiving ideas with you. Oops. Sorry! So. I have a question. What is the one side […]
Sometimes I get silly ideas. Like…let’s take this extra bag of kale greens I bought and turn it into soufflé. Easy peasy. I had never actually made soufflé before. Like any sensible person, I had a deep and abiding fear of soufflé. But then I figured that savory soufflé would be easier than the dreaded […]
When I stepped outside this morning it was cold. Like…really cold. And it smelled like snow! So I made you some soup. (By the way, this soup would be awesome for Thanksgiving. Cuz yeah, it’s that time of year already! And what the heck, make a pumpkin bowl! Use it as a vegetarian centerpiece. How […]
Okay, this post is totally late in coming. But I was a little bit preoccupied. (And yes, it did take me almost a week to recover from throwing the best baby birthday party ever.) Anyway, from the last week of CSA produce ever (er…at least for this year), I am sharing with you the most […]