Olive Oil-Braised Spring Veggies

Recently a few good friends pointed out a personal flaw to me. (Don’t you love how friends can tell you the real truth?) As we sat around a huge table, stuffing waffles and frittatas into our mouths and rocking with cuddly babies, they gently informed me that although they like reading about food, they don’t […]

Green Bean Fries with Wasabi Mayo

I have to tell you a shameful secret. My son won’t eat vegetables. I’m sure all you more experienced mothers out there are nodding in agreement (or else laughing at me). I always swore that I would never have one of those kids who wouldn’t eat veggies, but honestly…who was I kidding? What planet was […]

Kale Gratin

It has been incredibly cold here this week. I am talking below-zero temperatures, here. Definitely the kind of weather that requires comfort food of some sort. Like mac and cheese! Rich and creamy, hearty cheesy goodness. Perfect for bitter and blustery days. Except there’s one problem. I just couldn’t bring myself to make macaroni and […]