No joke. I was in the middle of making these amazing spanikopitas when my Greek next-door neighbor showed up with a plate full of baklava. Fate. Is. Delicious. I seriously can’t get enough of these babies. I have made them three times! I just can’t stop. I am trying to convince myself that spinach is […]
Green Bean Fries with Wasabi Mayo
I have to tell you a shameful secret. My son won’t eat vegetables. I’m sure all you more experienced mothers out there are nodding in agreement (or else laughing at me). I always swore that I would never have one of those kids who wouldn’t eat veggies, but honestly…who was I kidding? What planet was […]
Sarah and I are really trying to be health conscious. We are resisting the lure of…well, lots of things. We are embracing lentils! We are eating things raw! We are taking walks with a toddler who loves to watch birds and teenagers playing basketball—and anything else that starts with the letter b. I mean, really, […]
When I was a kid, I remember hearing this fantastical tale about neighborliness. You know the one I mean. About knocking on their door and asking to borrow a cup of sugar? I was always sure this kind of thing could never happen in the modern world. Until I met a fantastic young mom who […]
A few weeks ago, I started doing the Cooking Cure challenge by the Kitchn. I didn’t actually make it very far, because the more I thought about it, the more I realized that my main problem was breakfast. I mean, I regularly make delicious and daring lunches with Sarah of Well Dined. And dinner at […]
You know what’s really easy to make? Pickles. The first time I ever encountered non-cucumber pickles was a revelation to me. I have always hated cucumbers, and pickles were naturally distasteful to me, as well. But there I sat, across the table from the man I would one day marry, sweaty and gross after the […]
On Sunday morning, it was so warm I didn’t even need a coat when I went outside. By midnight, the roads were icy and buckets of snow were on their way. Late winter is so confusing! I don’t know what to wear, I don’t know what to make for dinner… (Right? On blustery days all […]
Quinoa with Kale and Sweet Potatoes
Do you ever buy things while you are grocery shopping and have no idea what you are going to do with them? I often find myself throwing greens and pickled peppers and hunks of cheese into my cart, even though they weren’t on my list and I have no specific plans for them. Impulse shopping […]
Dave says I need to stop calling things pizza that don’t have tomato sauce. But he also said this pizza (er…flatbread?) was very tasty, despite the fact that it features a vegetable he isn’t such a big fan of. I may win him over to brussels sprouts yet! And let me just say, lest you […]
Black Bean Hummus
Still haven’t decided what appetizers to serve for the big game? I highly recommend black bean hummus. It’s got more oomph than a garbanzo-based hummus, and it’s just as healthy! Plus, you likely have most of the ingredients hanging around in your pantry and fridge already, which makes this hummus perfect for a last-minute dish. […]