Today is National Chocolate Chip Day! As you may or may not know, I have been searching high and low for the absolute best chocolate chip cookie recipe in the whole wide world. I have baked and eaten my fair share of delicious cookies in my life, but I honestly had come to believe that […]
What is there to say about coconut macaroons? This was a cookie I feared/didn’t understand as a child. (But really, anything that wasn’t a gooey chocolate chip cookie just seemed inferior when I was 10.) Thank goodness my tastes have grown up, because coconut? It’s awesome. Normally when I have extra egg whites lying around, […]
You guys, I have had it all wrong! For years, ever since first setting eyes on rugelach on my honeymoon in Germany, I believed that these cookies were always stuffed with dried fruits or poppyseeds. Apparently…rugelach can be chocolate! Or nutty! Or, really, any flavor you please. So, many thanks to C Mom Cook, my […]
It seems like everyone I know is sick or trying to get over being sick. Myself included. I have been dripping like a faucet. My head is throbbing like a cartoon thumb that got smashed by a hammer. Not a pretty picture. You know what people keep telling me I need? Apparently, the thing that […]
I have no idea how to start writing this post. I’ve put it off for two days. Do I remind you that I gave up sugar for the month of January? Do we talk about that soufflé I had in a fancy French restaurant at Valentine’s Day two years ago, the one that tasted like […]
If you had told me this time last year that I would be obsessed with desserts made out of dates, I would not have believed you. Maybe I would have made a quip about going out on dates. But probably I would just have looked at you like you were an alien. Oh, one-year-ago-Melissa, what […]
I have to confess something…something that makes me feel a little embarrassed this time of year. I dread making sugar cookies. Don’t get me wrong, I love eating them! But rolling and cutting out cookies is simply not my thing. Sure, I have plenty of fond childhood memories of making sugar cookies with my mother. […]
I have a theory that almost all Christmas cookies are really just sugar cookies at heart. Sugar cookies with nuts, sugar cookies with spices, sugar cookies shaped and/or frosted thematically… (Admit it, you know I’m right.) Here are some sugar cookies with chocolate! They are deeply chocolatey and a little dry and crispy. I find […]
Have you ever met someone who says they don’t bake because they don’t like to measure? (Are you that person?) I have several friends who have confessed that or similar hang-ups about baking. But here’s how I see it: it’s Christmas! Everyone deserves fresh baked cookies, whether or not they wake up in the morning […]
Thanksgiving is over and now it’s Christmas season! Do you even know how much I look forward to what I informally think of as “cookie month”? Yet…for all the delights of Christmas cookies, sometimes it’s a little sad to say goodbye to pie week. So why not make your pies into cookies? Ease the transition […]