I can’t believe Jake is almost 7 months old! We have been feeding him solids for about a month now. We started with rice cereal, per our pediatrician’s recommendation, and then slowly started introducing vegetable purees. But, um…did you know that a lot of store brand baby foods have all kinds of chemical additives in […]
It’s Secret Recipe Club time again! I have wanted to try making olive oil cake ever since my mother first figured out that she was lactose intolerant. Plus, you know me: I like to throw myself into recipes that sound a little weird. So this month, when I was perusing A Spoonful of Thyme, this […]
If you have ever been to Red Lobster, you know that one of the highlights of the meal is the endless supply of delectable, buttery, cheesy biscuits. I could easily eat about a dozen of them by myself… I have had these biscuits on my to-do list for about four years, ever since I saw […]
Apparently when I was a kid, I liked apples. (For those of you just tuning in…I am a bona fide fruit hater, so the apple thing is unusual.) I have no memory of this, but my parents swear I used to pinch apples that my dad had been eating, toddle away, and bring him back […]
So, my husband loves Asian food. That sounds like an over-generalization, but I can almost guarantee that if the cuisine originated from somewhere in the Far East, he would be perfectly happy eating it every day for every meal. Korean food, Chinese food, Thai food, Vietnamese food…you name it, he’s there. I find it challenging […]
It’s another Secret Recipe Club reveal, and today I bring you a dish from a very interesting blog, From Arepas to Zwetschgen. Have you ever wanted to go around the world in 80 days, because I bet this blog could help! From China to Iceland, this blog’s got it covered. However, since pregnancy has put […]
This month for the Secret Recipe Club, I was assigned a great blog: Amy’s Cooking Adventures. She has so many delicious recipes that I really had a hard time deciding what to make! So many of Amy’s dishes looked yummy, from her Avocado and Egg Grilled Cheese to her Balsamic Pasta Salad. I am definitely […]
This month for the Secret Recipe Club, I was assigned the blog Samayalarai: Cooking is Divine. What an interesting blog—and something of a challenge for me, an Indian food rookie! Looking through the pages and pages of recipes, mostly for things I had never previously heard of, was a real education for me. I mean, […]